Sunday, February 14, 2016

New Life, New Love

A mother holds her new born baby,
as florescent light splashes across the linoleum floor.

The hospital hallways are noisy,
nurses push patients in wheelchairs
and loud cries echo from the walls.

But the small room is quiet.
The baby's sleepy breath is all that can be heard.

in and out
in and out

A small nose with round cheeks,
swaddled in a soft blanket with pink foot prints,
the mother rocks her new love.
This inseparable bond has been formed between
new and old life.

Something so pure and beautiful has been
brought into such a hectic world.

But in the arms of this new mother,
safety, care and love is promised.

1 comment:

  1. "safety, care and love is promised."

    This made my heart sure happy. Now THIS is love.
