Sunday, February 7, 2016

Live Happy

A couple of months ago, I abandoned all of my social media accounts.
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat.
I never had Vine, Pinterest or Tumblr to begin with.

I didn't really talk about it.
I just quit all of them for myself.

I was too involved.
I cared way too much about likes
what other people were doing
and I was wasting so much TIME and ENERGY.

My self esteem was awful.
So I quit. I bailed. I said Sayonara.


I do more things for myself now.
Without taking pictures.

I may be out of the loop on a lot of things.
(My friends had to explain a snapchat streak to me the other day)

But I don't really care
because I feel so much better about myself and how I choose to spend my time.

I know this isn't for everyone,
but it worked so well for me.

I made this time lapse video and ironically put a hashtag at the end.
But I had fun making it.
And I know these blogs are another format of social media.
Im trying to take a new approach to them, I just write how and when I want.
To express freely.
It helps that its all anonymous.


  1. I LOVE YOU. THIS IS GREAT. "I do more things for myself now.
    Without taking pictures." You indulge each moment. Instead of documenting moments - You are EXPERIENCING them, which is so so much more important. More people should be like you, way to be.

  2. If we could all be like you the world would just be sunshine

  3. I wish I had your courage
    my FOMO is too real

  4. I respect you so much. You're amazing.
