Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dear A1

Disclaimer: Because of the nature of high school, I know you all at varying levels. I'm sorry if my comment to you is not as in depth as someone else's. Also, I'm sorry if I spell your name wrong.

Jason - I think every intention you have is pure and kind. I think it is truly incredible that you tell people exactly what you like about them to their face.

Maddi (Peterson) - You're probably one of the funniest people I know. I miss playing soccer with you sophomore year, you have the special ability to make sprints more enjoyable.

Tanner - If hearts were fruit, yours would be a watermelon. You are smart and kind and you are going places.

Carlee - Your positivity radiates like the sun. You are adorable and you have a sweet sense of humor.

Andrew - You are one of the most intriguing people I know. Thank you for your kindness, I think life will take you in a great direction.

Alli - I think you are incredible. You are athletic, smart, kind and unique. Thanks for being a great friend and for making everyone around you feel important.

Camryn - You have beautiful skin and you can rock a flannel like no one else. I am so sorry to hear about your dad and your video left a real impact on me. I think you have important, valuable thoughts. Keep going.

Wendy - I should have befriended you in painting sophomore year. I'm sorry I didn't. You have a great sense of style.

Jake & Bacon / Bacon & Jacon? - I can't thank you guys enough for what you bring to this class.

  • Jake you are a fantastic writer and your words are important.
  • Bacon your ability to be completely comfortable with yourself is admirable.
Cassidy - I'm sorry I called you Cassandra at the beginning of the year. You are inspired, you have a great smile and the ability to roll with things.

Ivy - I love that you loved a song enough to read it to the class. You have a lot of passion and I admire that about you. 

Mr. Nelson - Thank you for making first period enjoyable. Thank you for talking about life in a way that makes sense and is completely open. Your passion for writing is contagious. Thank your for understanding and for reaching out. Your stories are fantastic and you're hilarious on twitter and in real life and its not easy to do both. You are important.

Sabrina -  You are so cute. You are quirky in the best way possible and you have great hair.

Isa - Thank you for your laugh, humor and kind words. I think you are strong and you make the best of things. You really are alight, and I'm grateful to be your friend.

Alexis - I've always thought that you were really cool. Your laid back personality is wonderful and you are a beautiful lady.

Liz - Honestly, you are one of the friendliest, smartest girls I know. I genuinely think you are amazing. I'm glad I got to lifeguard with you over the summer. You are hilarious and you're capable of great things.

Rachel W. - Thank you for always being so kind to me. You are brilliant and you have an incredible ability to reach out and befriend others. 

Madison B - You are relaxed and fun to be around and easy to get along with. I'm glad that you were on that double date too, you're a cool lady.

Tyler T - I think you are great. Your sense of humor is awesome and you have a clever mind. At one point during high school you were gone for an extended period of time and I remember taking to Aspen about how much we missed you. Thanks for being a great friend to me.

Addy - At one point in 7th grade I sad something that totally sounded rude but it wasn't my intention to be rude at all. I think about that a lot and I want to say I'm sorry. I think you are adorable and from AP US I know that you are smart. Keep doing your thing.

Savannah - You are interesting and artistic. You are a great storyteller and you have a sweet sense of style. 

Lila - You have a beautiful name and you seem like a fun person to hike with. I love that you put your yawning picture in your yearbook. 

Dryden - I'm sorry for that one time you came to my house in Jr. High and you were so confused and everyone was being crazy. Your Chinese commercial story was hilarious.

Mitch - I think it's great how you just do your own thing at all times. You seem super laid back. 

Mattie - You're crazy smart, which is awesome. You have a great sense of ambition that will take you places.

Clara - You rock pink hair and you have a beautiful face. Thank you for all the sweet comments. 

Emily - Your sense of style is adorable. I like how you say exactly how you feel and I hope to see you perform at the Super Bowl halftime show one day.

Matt Marshall - You have been a good friend to me. I love that you are open to doing anything at any time. You have a great sense of humor. 

Mckenzie - I know I don't know you too well but I feel that you have a lot of wisdom. You are very sweet and you have a cute sense of humor. Your coloring page was adorable!

Cassandra - Thank you for always vocalizing how you feel. Your honestly is appreciated and you have a nice speaking voice. 

Rachel O - I feel like there are so many things to learn about you. Your natural social ability/ friendliness is awesome. You seem like a lot of fun to hang out with and I think it's so cool that you play the harp.

Ryann - You are the cutest. Your laugh is contagious and you can rock bangs like no one else.

Neve - I think it's pretty amazing how you moved so far and have done so well. Thanks for always being up to going on a run with me in aerobics. You are one cool lady.

Parker - You are a really sweet kid, and you have fantastic hair.

Alyse - Thanks for hanging out with me after powderpuff when I was waiting all by myself. You totally bailed me out. You have a great smile and you're a lot of fun to be around.

Serena - I've always felt like I've related to you well. We are kindred home-body spirits. I'm proud of you and all your achievements with photography. 

1 comment:

  1. Let's read this in class today. So cool.
