Thursday, July 14, 2016

¿Por que?

Today I walked into BC with my best friend and I bought and expensive skateboard.
I've wanted to learn how to skate for a while now.
But even talking to the guys that worked there stressed me out,
How on earth am I gonna go to a skate park?
I don't know
I don't know.

Lately every thing makes me stressed or anxious.
I shouldn't feel stressed about anything
My life is good... Real goooood.
But my mind can't help going off on tangents and slowly dragging itself into more chaos.

I didn't take this class seriously.
I should have been on time.
I'm sorry.

I tried to learn tricks on my board and I just ended up hitting my ankles instead.

I'm watching my friends leave on missions
And my best friend leaves in 18 days.
I don't think he will ever understand how much I care about him,
but truthfully I don't think he cares for me that much at all.
I know it's good that they're going,
It's just awful to watch them leave.
I have never been more grateful for e-mail.

I'm scared to leave my family.
I am slowly repairing my relationship with my dad.
And I don't think I've ever been closer, or more grateful for my step family.
I'm going to miss all 4 of my crazy brothers.
And my mom. And Richard.

I'm wearing stupid Nike socks to try to get the swelling in my ankle to go down.

College is strange
I  want to learn Spanish and sewing and the metric system
And instead I'm going to take math for the real world.
I graduated high school with 25 college credits
I'm proud, but why?
Does it even matter?

Progress is relative, but man, I should be getting somewhere by now.

I watch my friends fall in love and get hit on and hang out with boys.
I thought I was in love 2 moths ago and I have shed a lot of tears over the same boy.
But now I don't think I am. And those tears dried to salt on my sunburnt skin long ago.
The pain is still there. The excitement comes and goes.
I will always have these questions.

Being 18 is a wreck.
But I said that about be 15, and 16 and 17.

I didn't enjoy high school.
I wish I didn't have social anxiety.
I wish I would have asked BL on a date.

This post is a wreck.

My bedtime should be 9:30
Yet here I am, typing at 1:39.

I still need to write my rugby coaches a letter
And me Reese a letter
And call the fafsa people (the fafsa is a joke)
And call about my apartment.

I'm grateful
But stressed
I'm hopeful
But scared.

Maybe I'll never be good enough
But I'm trying hard.

I watch my 6 year old brother try to play tennis
And I can't help but wonder what he'll actually remember from this time of life.
Everything changes from here on out.
I hate that.
But I can't stop time.

I wish I could.


  1. this is so real. loved reading this. i have a lot of the same feelings moving on in this time of life.

    1. Thank you so much Alli. It's kind of brutal, but also pretty interesting, huh?

  2. This post is not a wreck.

    From the heart.

    That feeling. I recognize it.

    The part about 18 and how you said the same thing about 15 and 16 and 17. You'll probably say the same thing for the next few years.

    1. Thank you, thank you. I was so excited when I saw that you commented on this. You're a great teacher/ writer/ DJ and this class provided me something that nothing else could, and for that I am grateful.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "I know it's good that they're going,
      It's just awful to watch them leave."

      "The pain is still there. The excitement comes and goes.
      I will always have these questions."

      I'm emotional already, which is probably why I'm back, stalking the blogs, and this made me feel so much more. I miss this. And you're a beautiful writer. Thank you for posting.

      (And wow, probably should've checked the account before I posted.)

    2. Thank you so much! It's awesome that you're still reading.

  4. Replies
    1. Grace,you are wonderful. And truth be told I wrote this because I was totally inspired by your update post. I love the way you write, it's raw and honest. Thank you for being the person you are.
